Being out of the blogging world for a few months really led me to read other blogs, magazines, and even look in depth at the people around me. "What are they wearing? Are you serious with that? I could do that!", were all some phrases running through my head at the time. Finally I sit down after a long day at work, with energy strong enough to finally elaborate on the things which have been "grinding me gears". Onward!
Comme Des Garçons x H&M Are you serious? As my fellow fashion bloggers/journalists gush, rant, and rave over the continuous collections released, I find myself confused. Is it me or are all of the pieces coming out of this collaboration just, well, pieces of crap? Blame it on my zodiac sign Aries or my claim that I am a "Carrie" (referring to Carrie Bradshaw), but I like pieces that POP. I like to see a punch of color somewhere, an undeniable sense of sophistication, or odd color-play. All I've seen are heavy and dark silhouettes since the collaboration started. A little color here and there, but nothing screams to me. I'm ready to see something new. NEXT!
Gabriella from M.I.S.S./Mama Clothing: My Shoes Don't Need a DietThe title above carries the original post. I can understand where she is coming from. Everyone has their own opinion, and I respect people for that alone. All I can say is that for someone who DOESN'T look good in Nike Dunk Highs, I am grateful there is a team at Nike developing a slimmer model for women. Sneakers, in my opinion, aren't universal. Either you rock them or you don't. You see a slender girl with chunky kicks and a big jacket and she looks cute, plain and simple. Then on the other hand you have girls like me, not the biggest or the most slender girl, feeling awkward and oddly short, in a pair. I secretly wished while purchasing my Dunk-lows, that I could look fly in a pair of highs; I wanted something a little more feminine. None the less, I think if Nike would put their design team to some nose-to-the-grindstone research, their new "slimmer" designs would get more love. My words to any "Sneaker Freaker", or "shoe head", DON'T KNOCK 'EM 'TIL YOU SEE 'EM! Just like we put our definition of womens street wear into our own hands (MOB, HB, and Mama), Nike is trying to do the same. Let's just wait and see before we judge it.
I'll be back for a "Par Deux" as soon as something boggles my mind,